Thursday 12 June 2008

A dilemma

One of my latest reads from the school LRC has been The Summoning by E.E. Richardson. Justin and Joy have always been fascinated by their grandfather's collection of curios and books, but when Justin sneaks into his grandfathers house and 'borrows' a book he and his friends find themselves caught up with more than they had bargained for. The items in the house are all connected with the occult, they accidentally unleash a demon, ending up with one of the friends being possessed.

It's a well written and exciting story, dark enought to give you a bit of a scare but not to bring on nightmares - if you like that sort of thing. And that's where the dilemma comes in. I'm a Christian, and as such I don't like the idea of kids reading about the occult, even if it is fiction. But equally I'm a librarian by profession and as such I stand, where I can, against censorship. As a result I'm torn. I don't have a problem with stories of witches and wizards where the setting is clearly a fantasy world, so Harry Potter and other tales of magic. I'm not really bothered about ghost stories and other spooky things. Bring it on I say! But The Summoning seems like a different kettle of fish, and therein lies by dilemma. No easy answer.

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